Sheriff Kendrick Swears in Lt. Kyle Monroe | May 5, 2023
Today, Sheriff Kendrick had the great honor of swearing in LT. Kyle Moore from the Elmore County Sheriff’s Office. Kyle has been cross-deputized under the newly formed collaboration between the Owyhee County and Elmore County Sheriff’s Offices. Congratulations Kyle!
Graduation of two detention deputies, Deputy Cole Pryor and Deputy Samuel Green from CWI’s Law Enforcement Program | May, 2023
The Owyhee County Sheriff’s Office is proud to announce the graduation of two detention deputies, Deputy Cole Pryor and Deputy Samuel Green from CWI’s Law Enforcement Program. Deputy Pryor has been with the Owyhee County Sheriff’s Office for nine months and Deputy Green has been with the office for one year. We are excited to have the graduated deputies back in the jail sharing their newly acquired knowledge
Sheriff Kendrick, Chief Deputy Crawford and Sergeant Hoagland meet with Elmore County Sheriff Hollinshead, Chief of Operations Berry and Lieutenant Moore | May 2, 2023
On May 02, 2023, Owyhee County Sheriff Kendrick, Chief Deputy Crawford and Sergeant Hoagland had a meeting with Elmore County Sheriff Hollinshead, Chief of Operations Berry and Lieutenant Moore at the Elmore County Sheriff’s Office. During this meeting we discussed how criminals do not have any regard to imaginary lines drawn on a map, and travel between Owyhee and Elmore Counties unimpeded. We agreed it would benefit the citizens of both counties if our deputies also traveled between counties unimpeded. Therefore, Sheriff Kendrick and Sheriff Hollinshead agreed to cross deputize deputies from both counties. This will allow deputies from both counties to collaborate and more effectively suppress the drug activity from Grand View to Mountain Home.
Both of our Sheriff’s are extremely excited about this collaboration and improving the quality of life for the citizens of both counties. I have attached a photograph of Sergeant Kenny Hoagland being sworn in by Sheriff Hollinshead, along with a photo of our Sheriff’s shaking hands to solidify the partnership between our sister counties. More personnel from both of our agencies will be cross-deputized in the near future. Elmore County Lieutenant Kyle Moore will be sworn in by Sheriff Kendrick this week.
Sheriff Kendrick Speaks at High Desert Republican Women Meeting | April 25, 2023
Sheriff Kendrick was requested to speak at the High Desert Republican Women Meeting on April 25, 2023. Sheriff Kendrick gave a short speech outlining his leadership philosophy and where he is pointing the Owyhee Sheriff’s office as well as answering questions. Senators Todd Lakey (LD23) and Brian Lenney (LD13) were also in attendance.
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 128
Murphy, ID 83650
20381 State Highway 78
Murphy, ID 83650
Phone: 208-495-1154

Sheriff Larry Kendrick

Chief Deputy Steve Crawford

James Vincent, Jail Administrator

Kenneth Hoagland, Patrol Administrator