BEER > Bottled or canned consumed on the premises: $50.00
BEER > Bottled or canned NOT consumed on the premises: $25.00
LIQUOR > $75.00
WINE > Retail Wine: $25.00
WINE > Wine by the Glass: $50.00
Please complete the Owyhee County Alcoholic Beverage License application form and send to the: Owyhee County Recorder, PO Box 128, Murphy, Idaho 83650 Please include the correct fees AND a current copy of your STATE LIQUOR LICENSE.
Allow 10 to 14 days to process.
All alcoholic beverage licenses expire May 31st of each year and will need to be renewed with Owyhee County with the copy of your renewed STATE LIQUOR LICENSE and appropriate fee before May 31st.
Again, it may take 10 to 14 days weeks to approve and process your renewal.
Transfer for Alcoholic Beverage License $15.00
For questions contact: Owyhee County Recorder:
PO Box 128, Murphy Idaho 83650
Phone: 208-495-2421
Fax: 208-495-1173
Angela Barkell, Clerk
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 128
Murphy, ID 83650
Phone: 208-495-2421
Fax: 208-495-1173
Office Hours:
Monday thru Friday